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Misturas completes a meticulous inventory of Ourense’s tree groves
Ourense improves its accessibility
Effort in R&D+i
In Misturas make a consistent effort in these processes. Meet our activity in this area …
Misturas completes a meticulous inventory of Ourense’s tree groves
Ourense improves its accessibility
New nursery School in Valdebebas
Recognition for the renovations of the main open area of the Escuela Naval de Marín
Misturas joins the Spanish Association of Asphalt Mixture Manufacturers
Restoration of the Tourism and Emigration building in Santiago’s historic centre
A thermal energy supply plant in Lugo recognized by the sector
Technical and environmental improvement of cold bituminous mixtures through an R&D&I project shared with Ence
The gardens of the three campuses of the Universidade de Vigo will be cared for by Misturas
Misturas joins the Moves III Plan to improve the sustainability of its vehicle fleet
The Summer School of Civil Engineering visits Allariz in collaboration with Misturas
First construction works of Misturas in the Region of Murcia
Sustainability for the maintenance of Ourense’s parks and gardens
Misturas wins the “SME of 2022” award in Ourense
The final results of the EMULCELL project were showcased in the 10th Congress on the History of Communication Roads and the ATIGA Innovation Summit
Misturas builds the new AG-53 motorway access in Dozón (Pontevedra)
Misturas collaborates with the University of Vigo to develop state-of-the-art techniques to evaluate critical transport infrastructures
Misturas relies on AENOR to certify the R&D&I Management System meets the provisions set forth in UNE 166002
The seafront promenade in Santander has reopened following the rehabilitation work carried out by Misturas
Misturas noted as a wealth-generating company in the Ardán Galicia 2021 Business Report
The new A Laxe pilgrim hostel in Vilasantar (A Coruña) opens its doors
Start of the construction works for the upcoming “Silver Economy” Technological Center in Zamora with the visit of the Provincial Council’s President
Misturas features in the special “Vivir Aquí” program on sustainable innovation broadcasted by TVG (Galician TV)
The Spanish Road Association (AEC) grateful for Misturas’ support in the organization of the 2021 VYODEAL
The Ferrol City Council (A Coruña) awards Misturas the new road maintenance service
Misturas, winner of the “1st Contest of Innovative Materials of Galicia” organized by the Galician Innovation Agency-GAIN
Misturas at the 14th Congress of Transport Engineering (CIT 2021)
Misturas, selected by the Ourense City Council for preserving and maintaining the city’s green spaces
The Ardán Report includes Misturas in the ranking of Galician smart companies.
Civil Engineering Students of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela visit Misturas’ cold asphalt mixing plant
New pilgrims’ hostel in the historic district of Vigo (Pontevedra)
Misturas completes the EMULCELL project with the construction of a test-prototype section that includes experimental asphalt
Lay of the foundation stone and construction of the new “Cruce de Sol y Mar” roundabout in Oleiros, A Coruña (Spain)
MISTURAS, award-winner at the IV SME Awards of the Year in Ourense
The CITEEC of the University of A Coruña (UDC) opens up a new laboratory with the participation of MISTURAS
Padre Feijoo School in Allariz (Ourense) starts the academic year with significant improvements in the building’s energy efficiency
Misturas finishes the refurbishment and fitting works of Pavilion XII of the Casa de Campo in Madrid
The road maintenance in the North of Pontevedra, managed by the Misturas-Extraco PO-01 temporary joint venture, includes disinfecting roads to fight covid-19
Misturas strengthens its safety protocols iin response to the COVID-19 crisis
A study with the participation of Misturas received an award at Innovacarretera fair
Misturas participates in the advisory committee of the CITECC’s Strategic Partnership of the University of A Coruña (UDC)
The Nursery School A Veigadaña reaches the final of the FAD Architecture Awards
Support to the establishment in Ourense of the Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
Misturas renews its machinery fleet
Nanocellulose to obtain improved and sustainable cold mix asphalt
Misturas gathering to commemorate International Women’s Day
Misturas has been awarded the renovation works of the Ocharán tunnel, in Castro Urdiales (Cantabria)
Misturas gets the ARDAN indicator ‘Innovative Company’
The parking lot of the Alvaro Cunqueiro Hospital built by Misturas has been inaugurated
Misturas takes over the maintenance of the roads of the south of the province of Pontevedra
Misturas technicians share at an international forum their experience in the use of GPR in an archeological project
Finished the Reinforcement of the pillars of Castro Urdiales Seafront Promenade
Portocultura: 2,000 square meters of office space and 4,500 of residential areas renovated in the port of Vigo
The neighbors of Ferrol can request the repair of roads on the Internet
Misturas focuses on the combined use of non-destructive inspection techniques in port areas
Vigo’s Faculty of Mining and Energy acknowledges Misturas’ performance and the support it has given to the University
Misturas has fitted out a plant for hot-laid bituminous mixtures in Melide (A Coruña)
Misturas carries the georradar to ACHE International Conference on Structures
Campaign to ensure safety at railway level crossings
Misturas is awarded the cleaning, transport and waste management service for the Southern ports of Galicia
Opening of the new health center of Barbadás, built by Misturas
Renovation and improvement of several sections of the Way of Saint James
Misturas in charge of the snowplow equipment for the roads of Ourense
Misturas builds the new health center in Pontedeva
An R&D&i Misturas project, in the Journal Construction of Engineering and Management
Experts from Misturas analyze the usefulness of the ground-penetrating radar at the congress Rehabend 2016
Misturas is awarded the Innovative SME Recognition by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
‘Enxeñaría Viva’, an exhibit showing the job of Civil Engineers
Misturas buys in Allariz the plot of land where its cold asphalt agglomerate plant is located
Misturas supports several R&D initiatives within the program “Retos 2015”
Misturas shows its support to RDI with the presentation and practical demonstration of several projects
Misturas organizes a technical conference on the sustainability of civil works in order to celebrate its 25th anniversary
The Sitegi Project Developed by Misturas Endorsed by the Spanish Innovation Certification Agency (ACIE)
Misturas renovates Teis’ fire station in Vigo and improves its energy efficiency
First work of Misturas outside the Spanish territory
Misturas supports the establishment of a new university master’s degree in Geoinformatics in Galicia
Misturas sets in motion a manufacturing plant of cold mix asphalt
The consortium led by Misturas is developing a project to monitor sea walls deterioration
Misturas collaborates with safety measures for the Ourense – Thermal Ourense Rally
Misturas and other Galician companies successfully complete a R&D project aiming to optimize infrastructure maintenance
Misturas is developing an area of more than 70,000 m2 in order to expand the industrial area in Verín
Ana Pastor attended the inauguration of the “splendid” renovation works of the Roman bridge of Lugo
Moaña has the main municipal swimming pool in O Morrazo since 2009
Sailing School in Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra)
Restoration of the Old Lagar building in Lourizán (Pontevedra)
Municipal Swimming pool in Moaña (Pontevedra)
Restoration of Count of Valverde Home in Allariz (Orense)
Misturas renews its digital image
Refurbishment of the Roman Bridge in Lugo
Bus Parking Area in Orense
“Os Remedios” Sport Complex in Orense
Reform of the Old Post Office in Xunta de Galicia in San Caetano (Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)
Interfederated Centre of Rowing and Canoeing at Tui (Pontevedra)
Improvement and Enlargement of the Roads and Leisure Areas at Mandeo Project (Province of A Coruña)
The refurbishment of the Roman Bridge in Lugo implied the use of a high-precision scanner laser for the structure
Misturas repairs jobs on the Ferrol road network
Road Surface Restoration of the A-52 Highway in Orense
Restoration and maintenance of road infrastructure in Ferrol (A Coruña)
Conditioning of the Surroundings of the A Veracruz Temple in O Carballiño (Orense)
Misturas leads a R&D project which improves safety on roads and reduces maintenance costs
Misturas, S.A. Batch Plant
Improvement of the Road Infrastructure of the Reparcelling Area in Arca (A Estrada, Pontevedra)
Surface and Structural Restoration of Pavements of the A-8 and A-67 Highways in Cantabria
Reinforcement of the Pavement of the N-122 Highway. Stretch: Zamora-Muelas del Pan
Sanitation and Underwater Discharge in Nigrán (Pontevedra)
Bus Stops in Pereiro de Aguiar (Ourense)
Connection between the N-525 and OU-536 Roads. A Granxa – Rairo Stretch of the Orense Ring Road
Modal Transport Interchanger at the N-525 in Orense Capital City
A Gudiña Bus Stop (Orense)
Conditioning of the Bed and Banks of Avia River in Ribadavia (Orense)
Drinking Water Treatment Station in Ponteareas (Pontevedra)
Conditioning of the OU-101 Roadway. Stretch: Access to Technological Park – Maceda (Orense)
Photovoltaic Solar Installation in El Robledo (Ciudad Real)
Chalets Building in Allariz (Orense)
Preservation of the Roadways of the Autonomous Network of the Province of Orense
Comprehensive Maintenance of Community Centres of the Province of Pontevedra
Preservation and Restoration of Road Pavements of the Xunta de Galicia in the Province of A Coruña
Reinforcement and Restoration of the Pavement in the N-550 Roadway. Stretch: Provincial Limit of Pontevedra with A Coruña to Glorieta del Lérez.
Urbanisation of SUP-7 Area in Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Conditioning of Urban Areas at the Municipal Council of Orense
Installation of Jetties in Cenlle (Orense)
Enlargement of the Drinking Water Supply Network of Coles, Vilamarín, Amoeiro and A Peroxa (Orense)
Restoration of Pavement of the A-6 Highway in Alto del Manzanal (León)
Cleaning of the Aríns River Basin (Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)