Misturas completes a meticulous inventory of Ourense’s tree groves

Within the contract of conservation and maintenance of green areas of Ourense, Misturas executed a meticulous inventory of the trees of the city, a work that is available to the Council in a digital platform. This record shows that in the streets of Ourense there are 4,721 specimens and that more than 80% are on ...
Ourense improves its accessibility

The streets Avilés de Taramancos and Erdevelo, in the O Couto neighbourhood (Ourense), are now connected by new stairs and an elevator thanks to an intervention of Misturas included in the “Ourense Vertical” project, promoted by the City Council. The elevator, with a glass front, has a capacity for 16 people and rises to a ...
New nursery School in Valdebebas

Misturas has completed the construction of the new first-cycle nursery school (0 to 3 years) in the Hortaleza district of Madrid, in Valdebebas. The building has a surface area of 1,600 square meters on a plot of almost 4,500 square meters, with pedestrian and road access from different streets. It has been designed as a ...
Recognition for the renovations of the main open area of the Escuela Naval de Marín

The renovation works conducted on the pavement and services of the main open area of the Escuela Naval de Marín (walking area, training premises and assembly zone) received a specific recognition by the military institution. Misturas was presented with an image of the entrance of the facilities by Txema Prada, with an inscription expressly thanking ...

Se convoca a los Sres. Accionistas de la mercantil “MISTURAS OBRAS E PROXECTOS, S.A.”, (la “Sociedad”) a la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas, que tendrá lugar en el domicilio social, sito en Camiño da Cima, 21- Bajo, Ourense, el próximo día 28 de junio de 2024, a las 17:00 horas, en primera convocatoria y, en su caso, en ...
Misturas joins the Spanish Association of Asphalt Mixture Manufacturers

Misturas has recently joined the Spanish Association of Asphalt Mixture Manufacturers (Asefma). The objectives of this organization include the promotion of research and collaboration in drafting manufacturing, implementation and quality control standards related to asphalt mixtures for road paving, as well as the preservation of the environment within the framework of this activity. The company ...
Restoration of the Tourism and Emigration building in Santiago’s historic centre

Contracted by the Axencia Galega de Infraestruturas (AXI), Consellería de Infraestruturas e Mobilidade, Misturas executed the restoration work, improvement of the thermal envelope and distribution of spaces of the building in Plaza de Mazarelos, in Santiago de Compostela, occupied by the Tourism Office and the Secretaría Xeral de Emigración, Xunta de Galicia. The work involved ...
A thermal energy supply plant in Lugo recognized by the sector

The construction by Misturas of a biomass plant and its thermal energy distribution network for heating, aimed at an area comprising four educational centers and two youth residences in Lugo, has received overt recognition from the Galician Renewable Energy Cluster (Cluergal) within the framework of the second Urban Solutions symposium. The Project, a significant ecological ...
Technical and environmental improvement of cold bituminous mixtures through an R&D&I project shared with Ence

A project led by Ence Energía y Celulosa, S.A., Misturas will seek to improve the technical and environmental performance of cold and warm bituminous mixtures. It will do so through the use of lignin obtained in the cellulose pulp production process, which will be modified chemically or with oily additives, also incorporating material from road ...
The gardens of the three campuses of the Universidade de Vigo will be cared for by Misturas

For the next two years, Misturas will cover the conservation and maintenance needs of the landscaped ecosystems, parks and forest areas of the Universidad de Vigo. The contract covers the three campuses of Vigo, Ourense and Pontevedra, including the so-called “Campus Histórico de Vigo” (Historic Campus of Vigo), on Torrecedeira street, and the wooded area ...