Misturas supports the establishment of a new university master’s degree in Geoinformatics in Galicia
Misturas has formally expressed its support for the establishment of a new master’s degree in Geoinformatics in Galicia. This postgraduate course, driven by the University of Vigo, would be developed in collaboration with the University of La Coruña with teachers of the Higher Technical School of Mining Engineering of Vigo and of the Faculty of Computing Science of A Coruña.
The program would be taught in two semesters and it would include a wide range of subjects, the most remarkable of which are Basic Geomatics, Communication and Information Technologies Fundamentals, Processing of Geospatial Databases, Geocomputing and Geovisualization, Remote Image Processing, Wireless Sensor Networks and GIS Systems Applied to Mobile Devices, and Web Environments. The syllabus would be completed with a master’s thesis and an internship in different companies.
In the letter of support sent to the University, Misturas emphasizes the importance of the curriculum drawn up by the university centers and its possible impact on the Galician productive fabric from the academic year 2015/2016.