A thermal energy supply plant in Lugo recognized by the sector
The construction by Misturas of a biomass plant and its thermal energy distribution network for heating, aimed at an area comprising four educational centers and two youth residences in Lugo, has received overt recognition from the Galician Renewable Energy Cluster (Cluergal) within the framework of the second Urban Solutions symposium.
The Project, a significant ecological initiative by the Galician Regional Ministry of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities in collaboration with the Galician Energy Institute (INEGA), involved the installation of two boilers, each with a rated power of 800kW and a maximum operating temperature of 95ºC. The Galician government (Xunta de Galicia) estimates that this system will save more than 500 tons of CO2 emissions per year.
The Project benefits I.E.S Lucus Augusti, I.E.S Nosa Señora dos Ollos Grandes, C.I.F.P Politécnico and C.E.I.P Anexa, which shares its location with the Faculty of Teacher Training, as well as the residences of the Consellería de Política Social Lugo I and Lugo II.