Misturas shows its support to RDI with the presentation and practical demonstration of several projects
Four RDI initiatives were presented and analyzed during the technical workshop named Sustainability in civil works construction: New perspectives, organized by Misturas in Allariz. The Town Council and the company Extraco collaborated in this meeting. The “Sitegi” project was launched by a consortium of several Galician companies and the University of Vigo. Aiming at optimizing the application of technology integrated systems directed at road infrastructure management, this project seeks to improve safety and to reduce maintenance costs. It was one of the most important projects of viagra generic sale the meeting, which was held coinciding with the 25th anniversary of Misturas’ creation. Professor Higinio González was responsible for presenting the characteristics of this initiative. He highlighted the contribution to the conservation of roads and other infrastructures. For this project – collaboration between Misturas and Extraco- software and technology for the inspection of roads were designed. It was installed –with other modern metering systems- in a similar vehicle to the one used by Google for the tool “street view”. The vehicle, introduced to the technicians in Allariz, collects all types of data with viagra does what its several sensors –such as laser scanner, infrared thermography, photogrammetry and ground-penetrating radar, among others. These data are transferred to a geo-referenced database in a
central computer where every system synchronizes to elaborate a diagnosis of the real situation of every infrastructure. The “Biovalvo” project was presented too, consisting of an assessment of the use of mussel shells in construction. Extraco, the CITTEC (Civil Engineering and Building Technological Innovation Center) and the University of A Coruña work together in this idea. Professor Belén González gave this conference that was complemented with another practical demonstration, expecting, firstly, the use of mussel shells as raw material for foundations, drains and mortar of different uses. In fact, due to the occasion a prototype of a wall made of this material was brought from the University of A Coruña. Daniel Andaluz –from the Spanish Technical Association of Bituminous Emulsions (ATEB)– presented “TRACC”, a project of road techniques adapted to climate change. His speech was about employment guidelines and decision-making regarding the bituminous mixtures and their different uses. Another conference, focused on the use of construction and demolition waste such as recycled aggregates in cold-mix asphalt, completed the schedule of the day. In this case, Breixo Gómez Meijide from the University of A Coruña, addressed the benefits of using that waste in roads of medium/low traffic flow, roads with poor quality surfaces, and base layers. He also mentioned different weaknesses related to the use of this material, and issued different recommendations. The workshop was opened by Pablo Prada Valencia –President of Misturas–, Antonio López Blanco –Vice-Dean of the College of Engineers of Roads, Canals canadian pharmacy online doctor prescription and Ports of Galicia -and Cristina Cid –Deputy Mayor of Allariz–. It included a technical visit to the hot and cold mix asphalt plants at the industrial estate of Chorente (Allariz), owned, respectively, by Misturas and Extraco.