R&D+i Department
The R&D+i Department was created in the year 2009 to the sole purpose of implementing a management system as per the UNE 166002 Standard and to systematize the technological Research, Development and Innovation activities carried out by the Company.
In this sense, its main purposes are:
a) To foster the implementation of R&D+i activities on a daily basis.
b) To look for management and organizational guidelines for these actions, implementing a technological surveillance system which will showcase all those actions which could contribute to the generation of own technologies and patents.
c) To enhance R&D+i activities as a differential competitiveness factor within the civil engineering building and construction scopes.
Misturas is an active member of Plataforma Tecnolóxica Galega de Medio Ambiente, or Envite, a work and study forum made up of companies, institutions, and research groups from the universities of Galicia which operates in the environmental sector of this community, dealing with Research, Development and Innovation activities with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Xunta de Galicia.
More information in: www.envite.org
Besides this, the Company is part of Plataforma Tecnológica Ferroviaria Española, or PTFE, cooperating with the Infrastructure and Railway Platform, Maintenance of Fixed Premises and Railway Superstructure groups.
More information in: www.ptferroviaraia.es
Participation in Research Projects
Universidade de Vigo.
E.T.S. Ingenieros de Minas. TF-1 Photogrammetry and Close Teledetection Research Group developing project SITEGI, which stands in Spanish for “Sistemas Integrados de Tecnologías para la Gestión de Infraestructuras”, funded by the CDTI, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
More information in: www.sitegi.es and www.cdti.es
Universidade da Coruña.
E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Research Lines: consulting projects on Construction and Demolition Debris in civil works.
More information in:www.udc.es and caminos.udc.es