Misturas renews its machinery fleet
Misturas purchased new machinery during the first quarter of the year for the completion of several of its current service contracts.
More specifically, it has added two John Deere tractors (model 6115) with hedge cutters (Orsi 555) to its machinery fleet, for a better performance of the conservation tasks related to transport infrastructure, which require that roadside vegetation be controlled.
Moreover, the company has purchased a new truck (Renault D18 WIDER) with a cargo box equipped with a HIAM crane (model X5122-D), a vehicle that will optimize loading and unloading operations during cleaning, transport and waste management tasks at the ports of the South of Galicia, as part of the contract in force between Misturas and Portos de Galicia, an institution under Consellería do Mar (regional ministry of maritime affairs) of Xunta de Galicia.