Misturas relies on AENOR to certify the R&D&I Management System meets the provisions set forth in UNE 166002
AENOR has recently certified Misturas’ R&D&I Management System meets the provisions set forth in UNE 166002. The company has, therefore, finished adjusting and upgrading to the latest standard requirements (issued in 2021).
Misturas’ R&D&I system is part of the company´s Integrated Management System, which is also audited and certified by AENOR in terms of Quality, the Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention (based on UNE standards 9001, 14001 and 45001, respectively). This fact highlights the company´s commitment to boost innovation in its daily activities.
Ever since its creation in 2008, Misturas’ R&D&I department has been responsible for large projects, collaborating with top public (Universities of A Coruña, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela) and private (CETIM) research centers to develop new construction materials, innovative bituminous mixtures, and applying last generation technologies to the inspection and management of transport infrastructures.
In the picture, Mr. José E. Rodríguez Coello, Head in Galicia for AENOR Internacional, hands staff at Misturas the certificate that ratifies the company’s undying support for R&D&I