‘Enxeñaría Viva’, an exhibit showing the job of Civil Engineers
Misturas S.A. is one of the collaborating companies in the touring exhibit ‘Enxeñaría Viva’ (‘Living Engineering’), an initiative fostered by the Association of Civil Engineers of Galicia within the ‘Encontros de Enxeñaría de Camiños, Canais e Portos 2015’ (‘Civil Engineering Conferences 2015’).
The exhibit is aimed at showing the society all the activities included in civil engineering, with fields ranging from the construction and management of transport infrastructures to port structures, dams, sanitation and water treatment, or urban planning, environment and urban services. All of these areas are represented by photographs of iconic works carried out by first-class professionals.
The exhibit could be visited until late February at the School of Civil Engineering of A Coruña, at the Elviña Campus. The building company from Ourense Extraco S.A. was another participant.