Misturas noted as a wealth-generating company in the Ardán Galicia 2021 Business Report

The Ardán Galicia 2021 Report identified Misturas as a “Wealth-Generating Company” due to its performance over the last three years. This title is granted to companies over industry averages in such fundamentals as liquidity, productivity, and profitability. These indicators include achieving an EVA (Economic Value Added) above EUR 150,000 and growth above 10 % over three ...
The new A Laxe pilgrim hostel in Vilasantar (A Coruña) opens its doors

The new hostel in Vilasantar (A Coruña), built by Misturas for the Regional Department of Culture and Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia, opened this Easter, welcoming pilgrims who travel the Northern Way to Santiago, on the occasion of the extension of the Holy Year of Compostela up to 2022 and coinciding with the beginning ...
Start of the construction works for the upcoming “Silver Economy” Technological Center in Zamora with the visit of the Provincial Council’s President

Last March, Misturas started the refurbishment works of La Aldehuela Business Incubator in Zamora, where the upcoming “Silver Economy” Technological Center will be located. This novel work center of international vocation has been promoted by the Provincial Council of Zamora and is intended for business initiatives related to the care of the elderly. The future ...
Misturas features in the special “Vivir Aquí” program on sustainable innovation broadcasted by TVG (Galician TV)

Misturas features in the TV program “Vivir aquí” (Living here) special edition on sustainable innovation broadcasted by TVG (Galician TV) on the 15th of January. The program, presented by journalist Antón Galocha, showed some of the initiatives implemented by the company to manufacture more eco-friendly surfaces. In addition to visiting the manufacturing plant for cold ...
The Spanish Road Association (AEC) grateful for Misturas’ support in the organization of the 2021 VYODEAL

Mr. Juan Francisco Lazcano, Chairman of the Spanish Road Association (AEC), has thanked Misturas for its support as sponsor of the 25th National Symposium of Roads and Works of the Local Administration (VYODEAL), a congress of reference in the Spanish road management and conservation sector. The 2021 VYODEAL workshop took place on 18th and 19th ...
The Ferrol City Council (A Coruña) awards Misturas the new road maintenance service

Misturas has been awarded the new road maintenance service by the Ferrol City Council (A Coruña). The contract, fully operational since last October, includes the repair and maintenance of streets, squares, sidewalks and other public spaces, besides the roads and highways in the rural areas of the municipality, including care for street furniture and signposting. ...
Misturas, winner of the “1st Contest of Innovative Materials of Galicia” organized by the Galician Innovation Agency-GAIN

Misturas has won the “I Contest of Innovative Materials of Galicia”, organized by the Galician Innovation Agency-GAIN, through the Materioteca de Galicia. The cold bituminous mixture with nanocellulose additives developed by Misturas, with the contribution of CETIM Technological Center and the Roads, Geotechnics and Materials Group of the University of A Coruña (UDC) won this ...
Misturas at the 14th Congress of Transport Engineering (CIT 2021)

Misturas participated in the 14th Congress of Transport Engineering (CIT 2021), held from 6th to 8th of July in the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos. More than 250 experts participated combining on-site/online assistance due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The moto of this edition was R-Evolucionando el Transporte (“The R-Evolution of Transport”) and ...
Misturas, selected by the Ourense City Council for preserving and maintaining the city’s green spaces

Misturas has been the company selected for preserving and maintaining the green spaces of the Ourense City Council for the next two years. There were 16 bid submissions and Misturas stood out from its competitors in the two areas in which the city was divided: on the one hand, lot 1 —located at the left ...
The Ardán Report includes Misturas in the ranking of Galician smart companies.

Misturas has been included, for the first time, among the Galician “smart companies” in the Ardán Galicia 2020 Report, which annually offers an analysis of the economy in the community from a business perspective. This study, conducted by the Free Trade Zone of Vigo in collaboration with the Ardán Chair of the University of Vigo ...